Sunday 18 September 2011

Why They should end UFO secrecy NOW!

Am I just a dog chasing a car?
I mean, I have been tracking, chasing, investigating and researching the UFO issue for nearly a decade and although I have certainly reached some conclusions, I really don't know what the hell I would do if an independence day craft appeared in the sky over London or even the announcement of Disclosure  (please note the capital 'D') came from the governments of the world. What do you do??
I would definitely get on the phone to all the sKeptics who I know in particular my well educated brother & his mrs. and yell down the phone "I F*CKIN' TOLD YOU SO!" short of doing that I am not sure what on Earth I would do.
I am currently best part of the way through After Disclosure by Rich Dolan & Bryce Zabel and they hypothesise a number of different outcomes to Disclosure (It's a great book which I highly recommend). Life would certainly never be the same again!
So, why am I chasing the car? the answer in my mind is always two fold; curiosity  & technology.
Curiosity because I do not believe for one minute the drivel that is taught about Darwinism, some aspects I do agree with and other aspects just don't work for humanity. We have narrowed our minds to an infinitesimal detraction of 2 options when it comes to the origins of man; you can either say 'well, God put us here, made us in his image' blah blah blah or you can say; 'one minute we were swinging from tree's in deepest darkest Africa, next thing there is an Ice age and ....POW! you have homosapien in all his hairless glory'. ANYTHING in between is dismissed out of hand straight away without ANY investigation by the mainstream....not even a second thought! (I will do a blog on where I think man came from in the future!)
The Technology side of my wanting for Disclosure is word.... MEGABUS! can you imagine having to ride on a coach where you can barely get comfortable for 7 hours because you need to go see your elderly mother and you can't afford the astronomically priced train, only to have to sit on the coach for another 7 hours back! It drives me round the bend! I know for a fact that 'they' have mag-lev technology. They use it in Japan at present (350mph) and this version of the technology is very dated! I could possibly get from London to Newcastle in just 10 minutes if only they would let us have the technology!! greedy bastards!
So there you go, I am certainly a dog chasing a car, I don't really know what I would do upon a Disclosure event (not go to work the next day for sure). Perhaps you can offer some ideas as to 'what you would do' upon a Disclosure event?
I look forward to hearing some ideas :)

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Having worked where I do for the last 10 months, I realised that money is in fact the ultimate motivator.. which makes me sad. The high level of laziness at work has a damming effect on the planet as you can see in the up loaded video clips.
My question is are the staff here lazy with a complete disregard for the planet, or, is it because they just don't get paid enough to worry about taking boxes to bits & taking off the cello tape & plastics.
I feel a certain sense of responsibility towards the Earth and I often wonder about the attitude of my colleagues. For example, I can say to 100% of them "you know we are killing the planet?" to which most of them reply "sure, I know, it's terrible". Although I can not tar all of my colleagues with the same brush, my message seems to fall on deaf ears a lot of the time.  My crusade is to get people to think about the planet a lot more than at present, everybody knows the questions but are stalling with the answers. One of the waste disposal companies which is employed at my site deals with paper & card alone, anything that goes in with the paper & card goes to LANDFILL (plastics, pvc's, metals, wood etc). Where as the general waste company brag that they recycle 64% of ALL waste they collect.
I have tried sending, memo's, putting up signs and educating the staff to the point of an obsessive compulsive and they still either can't be bothered or can't get it right. This leads me to a question... If the staff got paid more, would they start to give a shit? We are all Gaia's foot soldiers and need to take much more care of her on a much greater scale! Ok, maybe I don't totally go for the whole 'global warming myth' but isn't it just common sense to use our resources wisely and keep pollution down to a minimum?
I know this is an Exopolitics blog but I am sure if J-Rod or any other EBE, ET, God or trancendient being was speaking on this blog, they would say exactly the same thing!! Let's make more effort guys & girls and keep planet Earth in the pristine state she is meant to be and loose the ignorance & laziness forever. 

Don't worry people, next article will be exopolitical....I promise :)